Spectre-Fleet Spectre Fleet


****There are a wide variety of ships and fits shown below simply to give everybody plenty of choices and to help low SP pilots fly something they're more skilled towards. The ratios aren't important for this fleet, just pick one you like and bring it.****

Fast moving (8au/s+, destroyers/frigs only) nullsec ganking fleet by Zarvox.

I ran this fleet weekly from around 2015-2019 with a regular 100-150 pilots but RL got in the way and I stopped. We have killed ~5 supers and dozens of caps over the years.

You don't need any experience to take part but it's a very fast moving fleet which is sometimes disorienting at first. Nobody has any real tank and we rely on our mobility (and your ability to respond quickly) to stay alive.

In general:

T3D's/destroyers (Hecate/Confessor/Svipul/Kiki are top tier, Thrasher/Coercer also great) >>> AF's (Enyo/Retri are best) >>> Interceptors (Taranis/Raptor best) >>> T1 frigs (any but Atron is badass)

There's quite a few videos on Youtube if you'd like to get an idea of what this fleet is about.

Normal duration is 2-3hrs with a short break in the midst somewhere.

If you join this fleet with <7.8au/s warp speed you will slow us down and must be booted! 608 or 610 warp speed implants are great.

there should be text here some of the time but i'm working on it